Калькулятор риска развития диабета FINDRISC
Оценить риск развития диабета и частоту необходимых обследований.
FINDRISC is a prediction tool to identify patients at risk of developing diabetes.
It requires no laboratory testing and has been validated in multiple populations. FINDRISC uses age, BMI, physical activity, vegetable & fruit intake, medical treatment of hypertension, history of hyperglycemia and family history to determine risk of developing diabetes.
By using FINDRISC to identify high-risk people and applying an educational intervention, it has been shown possible to reduce the incidence of diabetes.
A risk score of 0-14 points indicates a low to moderate risk of diabetes (1-17% chance of diabetes over 10 years).
A risk score of 15-20 points indicates a high risk of diabetes (33% chance of diabetes over 10 years).
A risk score of >20 points indicates a very high risk of diabetes (50% chance of diabetes over 10 years).